How to Add a Location for an Activity

Below you will find the steps on how to add a physical or virtual location to your activity.

For your comfort we have created a video guide with the contents of this article.



Step 1. From the dashboard, navigate to the Activities⚡️tab on the left-hand sidebar.


Step 2. Then click on the Manage button next to the associated activity.


Step 3. This will take you to the activity summary page. Once there, click the "Setup" tab at the top of the page.


Step 4. On the right side of the screen, there is a sidebar that displays the different steps of the process in green text. Click the word "Location".


Step 5. Here you have the option to list a physical or virtual location. Select the best option for you!

Note: The following steps are split.


If you are hosting a Virtual Activity: 

Select 'Virtual' and add any related Virtual Meeting info (Video Call link, etc.).

If you are hosting a Physical Activity: 
Select "Physical" and Enter your location.

1. Select "Physical" and Enter your location.

2. There is a chance that your location is already in the system. If so, the name will appear in the dropdown menu as you type the location name. Click on the name, and your location will be saved.

3. If your location does not appear, there are a couple of things to check.

   a. The first thing to do is to double-check for typos or misspellings.

   b. If there are none, it is essential to look up the official name of the location because sometimes the name that people commonly use to refer to the location is different than the official name.

4. If this is not the issue either, you can always add a new location by clicking the words “Location not found. Add a new location?” in the “Enter your location” dropdown menu.

5. After clicking the button, the details of your location appear.

6. Enter your Location Name.

7. Select your relationship with this location (the options are “I provide an activity at this location” and “I am an employee/associated with this location).

8. Select the type of location (the options are “School,” “Business,” and “Non-Profit”.

9. Enter the location’s address. 

💡If you have any questions or experience any technical difficulties with How to Add a Location for an Activity, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team at