Some organizations rely on volunteer work to maintain parts of their operations. AfterSchool HQ now offers a volunteer management tool to help find, retain, and manage volunteers for your program.
AfterSchool HQ now offers volunteers made easy!
Follow the steps below to learn how to create a volunteer opportunity on AfterSchool HQ.
1) First, you will need to log into your AHQ account.
2) Then, you will want to navigate to the Extracurricular Activities button on the left sidebar.
3) Once you are in the Volunteer Opportunity section, click Add Opportunity. If it is your first time, you will be prompted to Create Your First Opportunity.
4) This will open to the Set up tab within the New Opportunity. Here is where you add the basic details of your volunteer opportunity such as the Name, the number of volunteers needed, and the sign-up period (the time frame in which you allow applications for volunteer opportunities).
A few extra settings to pay attention to:
- Using the Invite Only toggle will hide your opportunity from the public and give you a unique invite link to share.
- You have the option to let volunteers signup for the Entire Activity or Individual Classes. (Must they attend every meeting for your activity or just a few?)
5) Click Save and Next to be guided through the remainder of the opportunity set up. The next page will be Restrictictions. Here, you can select to restrict volunteers by gender.
6) Click Save & Next again to be taken to the Schedule setting.
Here you can set your activity schedule. You will first be prompted to toggle on the Has Schedule button. If you do not have a set schedule for your activity, you can skip this section.
7) Click Save & Next again to be taken to the About Your Opportunity setting.
Now you get to add the fun stuff! This screen lets you add the details of your activity. Tell us why we should sign up! You can edit the text style, add photos, and other marketing materials you may have.
8) After you add your activity details, click Save & Next to set up Contact details for your activity. When inputting your contact information, keep in mind that this info is visible to potential volunteers. Make sure it is the phone number and email you would like them to contact you with. Add the appropriate contact information.
9) Save & Next will take you to the Location setting. Here you can mark the location as Physical or Virtual. Then you can enter your location information. If your location is in the system, it will auto-populate as you type. If your location is not in the system, you will be prompted to "Click here to add a new location".
10) Clicking Save & Next will now bring you to the final set-up screen: Email Content. Here you can fill out the text you'd like your thank you email to say. This will be sent when a volunteer signs up for your opportunity.
11) Click Save & Review at the bottom of the page to open a preview of your new volunteer opportunity!
12) If you are satisfied with your preview and are ready for your volunteer opportunty to be published on your AHQ profile just click Publish! You will now see your new opportunity on your profile in a section labeled "Volunteer Opportunities for Parents & Community Members".
💡If you have any questions or technical difficulty with creating your AfterSchool HQ Volunteer Opportunity, we want to hear from you. Contact us at