Log in Error and Password Reset Issues

Below are steps on how to make updates to your AfterSchool HQ log-in credentials. This includes your email address and password. 

First, make sure you are logged into your AHQ account.

1. Log in to AfterSchool HQ.

2. In the left side panel of your AHQ Dashboard, click Profile ⚡️(step 1 pictured below)

3. Navigate down your Profile page until you find Email. (step 2 pictured below) Here, just type the new email address to replace the existing one. Please remember which email address you are using to access your account in the future!

4. A little further down the page, you should see Change Password (step 3 pictured below). You will be asked to type your new password twice to verify. 

💡AHQ Tips for creating a strong password:

  1. DO NOT USE letters and numbers in a sequence (examples are qwerty, abcde, 12345, asdf).
  2. NEVER use your birthdate or other important personal information.
  3. AVOID using common passwords. Such abused ones are P@$$w0rd, password

What if I forget my password?

If you forget your AHQ password, we can easily send you a link to reset it.

  1. Select Forgot Password? at the bottom of the AHQ log-in screen
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account
  3. Select the Reset Password button
  4. Check your inbox for a password reset email
  5. Click on the URL provided in the email and enter a new password


Please note that password reset emails are only valid for 3 days from the time of the request.


Quickstep: https://afterschoolhq.com/login/resetpassword


💡If you have any questions or technical difficulties with logging into AHQ or resetting passwords, we want to hear from you. Contact us at support@afterschoolhq.com.