In this article, you will learn how to keep track of leads, customers, and anyone else interacting with you and your business, all in one place! Adding personal contact information about students for different activities can be a great way to improve communication and organization.
Step 1. Log in to AfterSchool HQ.
Step 2. Click Students & Contacts , then select Contacts.
Step 3. Click Contacts.
Step 4. Navigate and select Add Contacts.
Step 5. You will have the option to add your contacts by Importing CSV or by entering a list of email addresses.
Step 6. Import CSV will allow you to upload a pre-existing contact list from your computer or device. Keep in mind that the list should have headers: First, Last, and Email.
If you select Email This allows you to manually add each of your contact's email addresses.
Step 7. After choosing Import CSV or Enter Email Address click Next.
Step 8. After adding your new contact, then decide if you would like to add it to a current contact list. This option will only appear if you have successfully created a Contact List. Click here to learn How to Create and Add Students to a Contact List!
If you select Yes, a drop-down will appear. Chose the list that you want to add your contact to and click Save Contacts. Otherwise, select No and then Save Contacts.
💡If you have any questions or experience any technical difficulties with How to Add Contacts in the Contact CRM, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team at