If you've received payments outside of AfterSchool HQ (for example, cash or check directly from a parent) you can manually track these payments in AHQ so the offline payment will be included in your overall financial reports.
For your comfort, we have made a step-by-step video guide, with the contents of this article.
Tracking manual payments in AHQ is a quick and easy way to keep your records up-to-date and ensure that you have a complete picture of your program's finances.
Please follow the step-by-step guide on how to manually track a payment that was received outside of the AfterSchool HQ Platform.
Note: You must have pricing enabled before being able to manually add payments received outside of AHQ. Click here to learn more about pricing for your activities.
1. From the home page, navigate to the "Activities" tab on the left-hand sidebar.
2. Then click on the Manage button next to the associated activity.
3. This will take you to the activity summary page. Once there, click the Students tab at the top of the page.
4. Click the "View Details" next to the student's payment that you would like to check.
5. Scroll down to the subheading "Payment Information". Here, you can add the amount paid, the date paid, and the payment method of the offline payment and click "Add Payment".
6. Now, you can head to your accounting screen and confirm this manual transaction is reflected in your accounting report.
💡If you have any questions or experience any technical difficulties with How to Manually Track Payments Received Outside of AHQ, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team at support@afterschoolhq.com.