Get up to speed quickly on the comprehensive features of our Student CRM. Understand how it works, uncover its full potential and benefit from useful shortcuts. You can view the Contact CRM at the end of this article, in case any additional questions arise. Have fun exploring!
First login to your AfterSchool HQ account.
Then hover over on the left-hand side of your dashboard. Click on Students.
In the Student CRM, you will be able to search for a student individually or by activity. Don't forget to click to bring up the students' information.
If you'd like to search by activity, click on where it says All Student Activities. A drop-down will appear and you can select the activity desired.
You also have the ability to search by Seat Assignment. Chose from All Seat Assignments, Reserved, Waiting List, Applied, Invited, Reserved Pending Payment, Reserved Pending Parent Consent, and/or Withdrawn.
Search for Past, Current, or Future students if necessary.
How to view student details:
Click on View Details next to the student's name.
Click on Add Activity to add the student to another activity.
Select the activity from the drop-down and also the assigned seat. Don't forget to click on to save!
If you need to remove the student from an old activity you will find that option here in the Student Details. Scroll to the bottom of the page, find the activity that you would like to remove the student from, and click on Delete. You also have the ability to Change the Seat Assignment here in the Student Details.
If you need to make a change to a student's registration, click on the Edit Registration tab and make the changes necessary. Click on to save your changes!
If you need to delete a student's registration, click on the Delete tab.
Deletion cannot be undone! Click Yes to confirm.
You can also export reports by clicking on Email Report.
Chose from Basic, Detailed, and/or Dismissal Report. Add an email address, if you would like to share your report with others. Emails must be separated by a comma.
There are two ways to send Messages from the Student CRM.
The first way is by searching for the student. You can filter by activity, seat assigned, and past, current, or future students. Once you have the list of students, click on Send Messages.
You can search for more than one student by separating with a comma.
Chose from the drop-down, the Message Reason, and Add the Message Body.
Chose if you'd like to Send Message to Staff.Select the names of the students that you would like to share the message with. Make sure to check the box acknowledging that by clicking 'Send Message to Students' you will send the message to the students selected. Once the message is sent it is non-reversible and it cannot be undone. Please carefully review your message and the list of students before you click 'Send Message to Students' below.
Important Note:
- The message will only be sent via email & SMS to students if the parent added a separate email/phone number for the student during registration. If the email/phone number is the same for the student and parent, then the message will only go out once to the same email/ phone number.
- The parent has to give consent to receiving messages by clicking the check box during registration. Otherwise, they will not receive messages even if the provider adds the student to the selected students.
Important Note: You may now select to send messages only to parents of selected students. This is only in case the child has a different email address than the parent.
Click to complete!
The second way to send a message from the student CRM is to click on the Message tab.
Click on Send New Message.
You can then search for the student individually, by activity, seat assignment, and/or student list.
Then click on and chose from the drop-down the Message Reason, and Add the Message Body. Followed by selecting Send Message to Staff if necessary, selecting the names of the students that you would like to share the message with, and checking the box acknowledging that by clicking 'Send Message to Students' you will send the message to the students selected.
You can also view the messages that have been sent under the Messages tab. View whom the message was sent by, the date sent, the subject, # of students it was sent to, and # of unsent messages.
To navigate through the Contact CRM click here!
💡If you have any questions or experience any technical difficulties with What You Can Find in the Student/Contact CRM, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team at